Friday, April 8, 2022

Where has all my family support gone?

Have you dealt with the stress of your child or children getting sick and them having to stay home from school or daycare for 10 days? 

Any trouble with your work schedule because your assistance is thin?

First off kids are expensive, there’s always something that they want and there’s always something you need to buy for them. Somehow a lot of single parents make things happen like it’s magic. Let's start off by giving praise to those individuals.

So my daughter gets sick!!! Literally right after starting school. She got her shots split up over the course of two weeks, so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed. She started school on a Monday and by Wednesday her nose was running like a faucet.

I was working on finishing my job schedule and all of that got pushed to the side when my child seemed to be sick for almost two weeks. Even though my family wants me to feel like I have the assistance I need to still work while my child isn’t feeling the best, it’s the energy most family members Carry when having to do the task. They don’t “Really” wanna do it. 

I just say that to say be thankful for the family members that love your children unconditionally as they do you.

Parents sacrifices 

Thinking back on my childhood and how my mom had to move or carry herself rather, she made so many sacrifices to make sure I was good. I was overall a happy child and I didn’t have much but I had some. 

“Some” means I had some stuff other kids had. As a child, you get caught up in wanting it ALL.  Everybody remembers being a kid and your classmates bragging about where they went over break, or what their parents bought them. It was always something ridiculously expensive. I just remember not really understanding money and how it works, but I always had friends that seemed like they had more than me. I spent a lot of schools just holding my own while trying to keep my insecurities unnoticeable.  

Noticing you have to create your own work balance. That can only be done when you understand that one day your job will come to an end and prepare your wages to be able to make money for you while you go to work. 

Having other sources of income is pretty vital in this day and age. Even if it takes you 5-10 years as long as you have a game plan it can be done. 

I say these things cuz as a man I can't worry about another person's pockets, as a man I must be able to provide solo without any help. 

Mental stability is a bigger deal today than in the 90s 

Realizing how my mom had to pick her heart off the ground and raise me at 17 was a lot to sit on. 

Some women today, fold and fold fast. 

There are so many broken couples that refuse to work together! Like geez, how long were y’all truly together before y’all started being intimate. Big ass immature kids, raising even young immature kids. All we’re doing is hurting the children and nothing more.

I’m here for my black men, for my black fathers. I just know there are some young men and even older men that have yet to grow up. I don’t say this without seeing my own flaws and focusing on becoming a better man 

Doing self-work

- emotional trauma can make you show love in weird ways towards your children. (You’ll be unable to meet your child with your “Inner Child”)

- Women are naturally good at this 

Giving trauma to our babies and creating emotionally unstable adults that will have to spend years healing to even know what real love is. I want my child to see their Dad working hard on his goals. 

We have to learn how to take ownership of our situation. 

I say “God, Show me how and where I need to be better…. I want to help my people” 

A key thing about keeping the peace is knowing what and how to not put yourself in the way of these things that might be harmful to your soul or mind.

Yes, everything can’t be avoided but knowing yourself helps to stay clear of some things that are hurtful.

if you enjoyed my writing please let me know I'm working on doing more blogs and writing down my thoughts in blog form. If I actually know you like it ill do it a lot more lol... so leave a comment

also I have a video that I recorded specifically for this blog! I know you'll check it out and like it

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Where has all my family support gone?

Have you dealt with the stress of your child or children getting sick and them having to stay home from school or daycare for 10 days?  Any ...